Share on Social Media
Use the following sample social media posts and shareables to spread the message far and wide: We’re ready to get the NAP on the road!
Please feel free to tweak them to your own purposes, to develop Twitter threads rather than stand-alone tweets, and to use whichever URL, video, or shareable you feel fits the best. If you’re linking to the website, there may be times it makes more sense to link to a specific section or uploaded document. Feel free to get creative!
We’re ready to help get the NAP on the road! Are you? Join us at <URL> #NAPonVAW #endGBV #endVAW
Help make sure the 1st stops on the road to a NAP are establishing an Independent Oversight Body of Experts to ensure proper governance & accountability from the start and advancing 3 immediate policy actions that relate to recommended policy actions in our report AND to the recent federal budget. Take action now: <URL> #NAPonVAW #endGBV #endVAW
Help make sure one of the 1st stops on the road to a NAP is establishing an Independent Oversight Body of Experts to ensure proper governance & accountability from the start! Take action now: <URL> #NAPonVAW #endGBV #endVAW
Help make sure one of the 1st stops on the road to a NAP is ensuring strategies, policies & plans are harmonized with the separate, ongoing efforts to end violence against #Indigenous women, girls, 2SLGBTQQIA+ people! Take action now: <URL> #NAPonVAW #endGBV #endVAW
Help make sure one of the 1st stops on the road to a NAP is ensuring it’s is guided by expertise from a stable, resourced anti-violence sector from the start: <URL> #canfem #canpoli #endGBV #endvaw
#WhatWillItTake for the NAP to be successful? Billions, not millions, in sustained and escalating investment through successive federal budgets. Help get the NAP on the road! <URL> #NAPonVAW #endGBV #endVAW #canpoli cc @CAFreeland
#WhatWillItTake for the NAP to be successful? An all-of-government approach + cooperation and coordination between federal and provincial/territorial governments. Learn more: <URL> #NAPonVAW #endGBV #endVAW #canpoli
#WhatWillItTake for the NAP to be successful? Voices and experiences of people most affected at the centre! Learn more: <URL> #NAPonVAW #endGBV #endVAW #intersectionality #canpoli #canfem
#WhatWillItTake for the NAP to be successful? Systemic solutions for systemic problems. Learn more: <URL> #NAPonVAW #endGBV #endVAW #canpoli #canfem
#WhatWillItTake for the NAP to be successful? Ensuring accountability through MEAL (monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning) and independent oversight. Learn more: <URL> #NAPonVAW #endGBV #endVAW #intersectionality